電流探頭| TCP312
電流探頭| TCP312 Higher frequency performance is available with the TCP312 w/TCPA300 providing ≥100 MHz bandwidth and a maximum current of 30 A DC. Measurement Errors and Manual Calculations are Now
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電流探頭| TCPA300
電流探頭| TCPA300 The TCP300 and TCP400 Series AC/DC current measurement family is a highly advanced current measurement system for today's current measurement needs. When connected to Tektronix oscillos
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電流探頭| A622
電流探頭| A622 This industrial-style clamp-on probe has a BNC connector and may be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter*1 so it can be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and scopes. The A621 can
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電流探頭| A621
電流探頭| A621 The A600 Series current probes high-value current probes are specifically designed to support measurements you make with your TekMeter® or oscilloscope*1. A621 2000 Amp AC Current Probe